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The Holy Spirit Speaks


Holy Spirit, what do You say?

It was destined that you, Margie — as My scribe —and your friends Jo and Meera, would come together, as nothing in this illusory world is left to chance.

You have known each other for many lifetimes and have had an unspoken, unacknowledged role in My journey as Jesus. It was the one lifetime that seared your hearts for the longing to come to Me as the Holy Spirit—your Christ Self. You three have searched for Me under many names and forms: Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and others too numerous to name. You were determined to know Me as the Source of all that is, the Way to God, and the True Self. The coming together of the three of you took place in its own unique way, which you describe in your individual biographies. You used your relationships with each other to join in the intention to find My Voice, which for you, Margie, happened in 2012.

The repeated injunction to ask for My guidance has led to more trust in My constant Presence for each of you. You have learned that I will answer fully every question you ask, and you’ve learned over time that My answers might change as situations change. I have given you exactly what you were able to handle in the moment you asked. It is only this—the constant asking for My Presence and My Voice—that has substantially transformed your lives. This will continue to unfold until the moment you are ready to be lifted by God into Heaven. I have been with all of you in your mind since the beginning of time and will remain there for eternity. We are One with God.

About the Authors

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Margie Tyler

Margie was born near Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in a Protestant family. From high school on, her goal was to become Self-Realized. She paid close attention to her dreams. Her Jungian dream analyst said she had never met anyone with more synchronistic experiences than Margie, who now gives all her dreams to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation. 

In addition to a career in clinical social work, Margie’s path included the study of G. I. Gurdgieff, A Course in Miracles, visits to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and a Sufi group where she met Jo and Meera. 

In 2003 she heard a clear, strong inner call to leave her thirty-eight year marriage, her private practice of social work, her life in Denver, and move to Maui. It was then that the three women began a deep study of ACIM and a joint commitment to know the Voice of the Holy Spirit. After years of encouraging each other to take back their ego projections and judgments, Margie awakened at 3:00 A.M. on August 8, 2012 to the inner directive from the Holy Spirit to take dictation for books that would be the extension of ACIM. His transmissions of 600-1000 words have continued almost daily as part of the One With God book series.

Each day brings Margie into a deeper level of Communion with the Holy Spirit as she has surrendered her life to Him. She experiences a greater sense of peace, trust, and contentment knowing He is in charge.


Joann “Jo” Sjolander

Jo grew up in a small town in northern Minnesota. She married, became an elementary school teacher, a devotee of Sufism, and a yoga practitioner. Jo was eventually led to study A Course in Miracles with her two friends, Margie and Meera. The Course says we must unlearn everything we’ve ever believed, come with an open heart, and henceforth, hear only the Voice for God—the Holy Spirit. When Margie began to hear His Voice she immediately insisted that Jo and Meera ask Him about every little thing, which has now become Jo's way of life. Her greatest joy is the experience of hearing His Guidance while editing the One With God books. This level of trust has allowed her to live most often in the peaceful state of neutrality, knowing that the "differences" she observes in the world make no real difference at all.


Margaret “Meera” Ballonoff

Meera (Margaret) was born into a Jewish family in Cleveland, Ohio. As a child in religious school, she read a book called The Still Small Voice. From then on she sought to connect with that Voice of Love and Truth.  After college she taught elementary school and various types of dance and fitness. Longing to find internal peace she investigated psychological and mystical paths, eventually engaging in a Sufi path where she met Margie and Jo. Since then the three of them have joined to listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit as their guide, asking for direction with every choice. Presently Meera enjoys teaching Nia (choreographed movement which includes dance arts, martial arts, and the healing arts), engaging with her family, and preparing the "Daily ReMinders" on the One With God Facebook Discussion page.