Marjorie “Margie” Tyler
Margie was born near Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in a Protestant family. Her father taught her to believe in God, and her mother encouraged her to find herself. In college, Margie started on her path of Self-realization paying close attention to all her dreams and carefully recording them throughout the night. Her Jungian dream analyst said she had never met anyone with more synchronistic experiences than Margie. She now gives all her dreams to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation.
Margie’s path has taken many twists and turns, all of which have helped her know that she is One with God. The journey began with the work of G. I. Gurdgieff. Margie wanted to discover her "Real I" through his teachings but it remained dormant. The next step was following Sri Sathya Sai Baba whose miracles were so close to those of Jesus that she was willing to travel alone to India to visit him. Unconsciously, Baba had become a substitute for Jesus. After eight years, she was still no closer to knowing her Self. For the next eight years, she followed the Sufi path, which brought her together with Jo and Meera, but it did not bring her to the enlightenment she believed it "promised".
MAfter leaving the Sufi group, Margie was on vacation in Maui, Hawaii, in 2003 when she heard a clear, strong inner call to leave her thirty-eight year marriage, her private practice of social work, her life in Denver, and move to Maui. The move turned out to be a blessing for both her and her husband, and they have remained close friends.
Margie, Jo, and Meera were introduced to A Course in Miracles at different times in their lives but were reintroduced through Gary Renard’s book, The Disappearance of the Universe, which led them to a joint commitment to know the Voice of the Holy Spirit. After years of encouraging each other to take back their ego projections and judgments on the "brother", Margie awakened from sleep at 3:00 A.M. on August 8, 2012 and saw the word WRITE on the screen of her mind. At the same time, she heard the word "write" spoken in the voiceless voice that she has since come to know as the Voice of the Holy Spirit. Throughout her search to know her Self, Margie received messages in dreams, synchronicities, and signs that gave answers to her questions, but not until then had she received a "download" of information. It was clear on that August night, after having a vivid dream, that she was to scribe a book dictated by the Holy Spirit. From that day on, Margie has taken His dictation of around 600-1500 words per day. His messages still continue as part of the One With God book series, which, according to the Holy Spirit, are an extension of the principles of A Course in Miracles. Margie is not alone in this effort. Jo and Meera also contribute their communications from Him as well as their support with all aspects of the publishing.
Each day brings a deepening of communion with the Holy Spirit because Margie has surrendered her life to His lead and planning. He is her "go to" for all questions, which He answers in specific detail. He is her trusted Friend, Constant Companion, and Guide. The ego still tries to manipulate, but she quickly turns its interference over to the Holy Spirit for dissolution. As a result, her life unfolds in stunning perfection, peace, and contentment. Margie is grateful that she and her two friends are being taken another step closer to Home.